Sunday, June 28, 2009


Went really well!! First art show I've done in a while and turned out pretty cool. It was held at Sweet Feet LTD. in Ridgewood, NJ, a little clothing/shoe boutique on the main road. They cleared out the whole space of merchandise and made a mini gallery out of it with a wine bar in the back. A good amount of people showed up along with passers by from the street. Everybody had awesome work and hopefully we can keep this group going along to different spaces as proposed. Woo-hoo!!
p.s.- I'll post pics later! 

Sunday, June 14, 2009

it's been a long time coming

helloooooooo all!!!! i've finally got a new/ used computer so i can update my blogs, and do all the necessary things i need to!! so w/ that, i cant upload any new pics but have no fear, they will be a coming. woo-hoo!!!