Thursday, January 31, 2008


I decided I wanted to put up some older work, well not THAT old, to show you guys. 

Your welcome.

I really like this piece I did a couple months ago. It was alot of fun, and alot of preliminary sketches went into such a simple design. I think it's pretty simple anyways.... and the gold leaf wasn't as much of a pain in the ass as I thought it'd be. I think I want to do more sewing work in future projects, like I did here...( the horizontal lines in the back ) And the sails glow in the dark!!!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Tancredi Jesus?

So, we're back to school, assignments already headed our way...exciting, I know. Here's just a small drawing I did of baby jeebus as a study from a painting from an artist unknown to me, of one half of the main character for our first assignment for a book cover on the short story of "Tancredi". I'm pretty sure it was translated from an old Italian story, as it seems. It sounds pretty damn cool; conjoined twins, total opposites, one ends up killing the other, then they both croak. Pretty awesome. Soooo I'll prolly go w/ a religious theme on this one, something I really havn't done...ever. We'll see how goes it.

He looks a little urked.